팝업레이어 알림

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Emerging African Regional Study

Constructing Information Infrastructure and Partnerships in Africa : Cases of Algeria and Nigeria

1. Overview of Research Project

Comprehensive Approach on Advancing towards Africa:
Supporting Strategies for Small and Medium Sized Enterprises
Research Countries

Nigeria, Algeria, Morocco, Ethiopia, Rwanda, Senegal, Malawi, Cameroon

Research Period


2. Business goals and systems

Based on the result of the first research stage which focused on national characteristics and images Nigeria and Algeria, the second research stage tries to associate the results to the professional and practical approaches.

In particular, this research will focus on assisting the small and medium-sized companies which want to extend their branches to African countries and it will provide them with corresponding researches and information.

3. Research Objectives

  • 1) The project Seeks to

    1. Achieve“Appropriate technology transfer, development cooperation, infrastructure and urban city development.
    2. Expand the scope of the research area: from Algeria and Nigeria to many other states (Morocco, Senegal, Ethiopia and Rwanda) in order to construct research platform for African Studies.
  • 2) Maximize the potential of Koran economic capacity towards African countries.

    General Structure of Research

    Research result

    1st Stage

    Extend the Target Countries

    The 2nd Stage: Professiomalization

    Focusing on Urban planning, Infrastructure, Development cooperation, Appropriate technology









    Information bases and networks
    For Korean SMEs, NGO, NPO

  • 3) The contents of the research

    The second term tries to associate the results to the professional and practical approaches. In particular, this research focuses on assisting SMEs that plan to enter African Market, by providing them with consistent research results and information.

    This second phase intent to develop a more accurate expertise about every subject relevant to African urbanization, Economy, Labor, Social and Political Environment.

    Urban areas in Africa can be said to be a driving force of job creation, economic growth, and social cultural development, and it is also an emerging market for specialized companies in various fields.

    The contents of the second research stage are concerned with urban planning, industrial based development and infrastructure construction.

  • 4) More specifically it will deal with

    1. Analyzing urban infrastructure in Africa, competitive structure of the urban planning market (number of competitors and scale, barrier to entry, strategic partnership, financing, economic diplomacy of technology transfer, lobby, etc.).
      It will also examine the strategy of competitive countries and seek correspondence for Korean companies.
    2. African urbanization process and development projects, infrastructure policy, Industrial complex as well as analyze the relevant government institutions and entry systems.
    3. Proposing the strategy for the Korean companies specifically, for the medium and small-sized enterprise and other individuals or organizations. (Public, researchers, NGOs, etc.)
      This study aims to create clear goals on development-experience-transmission, focusing on African countries which are the main target countries of South Korean development cooperation. Therefore IEAS aims to:
    4. Suggest a strategic positioning for Korean SMEs capable of developing appropriate technologies.
    5. Argue that Appropriate Technology, in connection with the Korea-Africa development Cooperation, is an area in which Korean and African interests can meet.
    6. Advance towards Africa through development cooperation and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR): studies on business projects in consideration with local socio-economic context, environmental protection and public responsibility of corporations.