팝업레이어 알림

팝업레이어 알림이 없습니다.


Journal Publication

Submission Guidelines

1. Submission

  • Authors should submit an electronic copy of their manuscript to africastudies.kr@gmail.com in either MS word or hwp format. All contributions except when acknowledged by the editorial committee, should not be published elsewhere or be under consideration for publication in other journals or books. Significant findings that have already appeared(or will appear) elsewhere must be clearly identified. The manuscript that did not comply with the ‘Manuscript Guidelines’ of this academic journal will be returned to the author for correction, so please be careful when submitting it.

2. Acceptance of Publishing

  • The decision to publish the manuscript is in accordance with the [Global Governance and Culture] Editorial Regulations, and the procedure is as follows.

  • 1) The judgment based on the manuscript review results follows the criteria below.

    • Drag left or right

    evaluation Reviewer1 Reviewer2 Reviewer3
    Publish with Revision
    Revise and Resubmit X
    Reject X X
    X X
    X X X

    (○: Publish, △: Publish with Revision, X: Reject)

  • 2) The editorial committee will finally decide whether to publish the manuscript that has been reviewed.

  • 3) The copyright of the paper published in [Global Governance and Culture] is in this institute(IEAS). The contributors of the manuscript whose publication has been confirmed shall submit a copyright transfer agreement to this institute and delegate all rights, interests, copyrights, and digital copyrights (including copy and transmission rights) to this institute(IEAS).